Batch delete and replace the header and footer of microsoft Word documents

Open microsoft WORD, view, macro, view macro, create a new macro

Sub a()

Dim myDialogs As FileDialogs, oDoc As Documents, oSecs As Sections

Dim oFile As Variant, myRange As Range

On Error Resume Next

Define a folder selection dialog box

Set myDialogue=Application FileLog (msoFileDialogFilePicker)

With myDialogs

. Filters. Clear ‘Clears all items in the file filters

. Filters. Add “All Word Files”, “*. doc, *. docx”, 1 ‘Add filters to all Word files

. AllowMultiSelect=True ‘Allow multiple selections

If Show=-1 Then ‘OK

For Each oFile In SelectedItems’ loop through all selected items

Set oDoc=Word Documents Open (FileName:=oFile, Visible:=False)

For Each oSec In oDoc Sections document loop within sections

Set myRange=oSec Headers (wdHeaderFooterPrimary) Range

MyRange Delete ‘Delete the content in the header

MyRange Text=”www.jincan. net”

MyRange ParagraphFormat Alignment=wdAlignParagraphCenter ‘Center text

MyRange ParagraphFormat Borders (wdBorderBottom) LineStyle=wdLineStyleNone ‘Paragraph bottom border line

With myRange Font

End With


Set myRange=oSec Footers (wdHeaderFooterPrimary) Range

MyRange Delete ‘Delete the content in the footer

MyRange Collapse wdCollapseEnd

MyRange InsertAfter Page Number

MyRange Fields Add Range:=myRange, Type:=wdFieldEmpty, Text:=”PAGE”, PreserveFormatting:=True

MyRange ParagraphFormat Alignment=wdAlignParagraphCenter ‘Center page numbers


ODoc Close True


End If

End With

End Sub


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